LEADER AND Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


DECISIONS made by the Leader and Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development, Councillor Keith Glazier, on 20 June 2023 Via MS Teams



Councillor Wendy Maples spoke on item 4 (see minute 5)

Councillors Johnny Denis and Paul Redstone spoke on item 5 (see minute 6)



1.            Decisions made by the Lead Cabinet Member on 5 May 2023


1.1       The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2023.




2.            Disclosure of Interests


2.1       Councillor Glazier declared a personal interest in item 4 as the Chair of the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board, Member of Sussex Health and Care Assembly and Chair of Transport for the South East. He did not consider this to be prejudicial.




3.            Urgent items


3.1       There were none.




4.            Reports


4.1       Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.




5.            Draft Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan (SDP)


5.1       The Leader and Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.




5.2       The Leader and Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Agree the East Sussex milestone plans that will enable delivery of East Sussex population and Place priorities, as set out in Delivery Area 4 of the Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) and Appendix 2 of the report; and


2) Provide any further feedback to strengthen the draft SDP and the collaborative arrangements in East Sussex to support delivery (in paragraphs 2.11 – 2.15 of the report) prior to it being presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 27 June and NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) on 5 July for endorsement and approval respectively.




5.3       The draft Sussex Integrated Care Strategy sets out a strategic statement of common purpose across Sussex, and the critical areas of focus of the Sussex Health and Care Assembly. Good progress has been made with developing the Sussex Shared Delivery Plan with proactive engagement and support from system partners, to set out the arrangements for making this a reality over the next five-year timeframe. Part of this has involved managing the complexity of developing a cohesive single plan at a Sussex level, with significant progress made in developing a clear way forward which incorporates the NHS Operational Planning requirements and the delivery response to the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together.


5.4       Alignment of Senior Responsible Officers, including both NHS Sussex Chief Officers and system Chief Executive Officers, Directors of Adult Social Care and Health, Public Health and Children’s Services, has ensured collective commitment to the delivery framework. In totality the SDP aims to present a clear improvement journey in the short, medium, and longer term.


5.5       Place is where the County Council’s statutory responsibilities, budgets and democratic accountability sits for the residents in our area. At the inception of the Sussex ICS there was local agreement that Place is key to strategic leadership, local commissioning and delivery within the ICS, in order to get the best value out of the full range of collective resources available to meet needs and improve the health, care and wellbeing of populations.


5.6       The SDP supports delivery of relevant Council priorities, and the Council’s commitment and ambition to deliver the best possible outcomes for local residents, as well as achieving the best use of collective public funding in East Sussex, through integrated working with the NHS. It provides an overarching delivery framework that will help the Health and Care Partnerships to work together in East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove, with the flexibility necessary to support effective collaboration at Place level, so an ongoing detailed focus on local needs and priorities can be maintained building on existing progress.


5.7       There are no changes to the Council’s statutory role and responsibilities for services and budgets. The SDP contains high level milestones and a roadmap covering the next 5 years. Were any detailed plans to be developed where the proposed changes to services would have significant impact on the East Sussex population, these would be subject to the normal process of engagement and formal consultation, including assessments of equality and health inequalities impacts and scrutiny by the Health Oversight and Scrutiny Committee, as appropriate and necessary to support accountability and decision-making by the relevant organisations.




6.            Wave Community Bank (trading name for East Sussex Credit Union) request for an extension to their subordinated loan


6.1       The Leader and Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Executive.




6.2       The Leader and Lead Member RESOLVED to extend the existing £150,000 subordinated loan to Wave Community Bank (trading name for East Sussex Credit Union) for a further ten years.




6.3       The loan has enabled Wave Community Bank (WCB) to provide greater levels of safe, affordable and accessible financial products to some of the county’s most financially excluded residents. In addition, the loan supports WCB to provide:


·         Help points for residents in Lewes (Landport Tenants Centre), Newhaven (Havens Community Hub) and Eastbourne (Seaside Community Hub)

·         Money Management group sessions and 1-2-1 budgeting help at Seaside Community Hub

·         Financial wellbeing webinars open to all members on improving credit scores, tackling debt and surviving the cost of living crisis

·         Support for members to create savings goals, alongside incentives for savings including a monthly prize draw

·         Support for community groups, with 62 accounts (18 in East Sussex) held by community groups, charities, clubs and other organisations

·         Expanding Chorus (its Workplace Savings Scheme) with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and Wealden District Council recently signing up to the scheme

·         Information and guidance to ESCC employees through our partnership with WCB on our Wellbeing at Work programme


6.4       The work of the credit union fits firmly with the Council’s financial inclusion agenda and with the work of the multi-agency Financial Inclusion Steering Group. It has been increasingly vital during the cost of living crisis which is impacting most significantly on some of the most vulnerable people in the county.

